Your cycling fallacy is…
“More cycling won’t help – electric cars will fix all our transport problems”
The response
A shift from oil-powered cars to electric cars should certainly help to alleviate the problem of air pollution in urban areas.
However, electric cars don’t solve many of the other problems involved with motor vehicle use – congestion, danger, public health, land use required for parking, and roads and streets that are blighted by motor traffic.
Furthermore, there is evidence that particulates from tyres, brakes and engine wear will still contribute significantly to local air pollution.
The source of electricity also varies greatly around the world, so while clean, renewable energy is available in some areas, many places still rely on dirty sources of fuel for electricity generation.
Further reading
- Non-exhaust PM emissions from electric vehicles — Solid Fuel Technology Institute
- Measurement of non-exhaust particulate matter (PDF) — European Union
- Leading scientists set out resource challenge of meeting net zero emissions in the UK by 2050 — Natural History Museum
- Are Electric Cars Really Green? on YouTube Show video Hide video
- More on why bikes are better than electric cars for our cities and suburbs — Tree Hugger
- Are electric cars going to make it harder to fix our cities? — Tree Hugger
- Electric cars won't save our cities — The Guardian
- Electric car batteries damaging to environment: Amnesty International — EuroNews
- Pollution warning over car tyre and brake dust — BBC
- Swapping cars for bikes, not diesel for electric, is the best route to clean air — The Guardian
- The polluting effect of wear and tear in brakes and tyres — The Guardian
- Business as usual by driving a "Green car" vs. actually using a genuinely clean and green mode of transport — A View From The Cycle Path
- “Toxic particles are coming off every vehicle – including environmentally friendly ones” — Twitter
- Umweltbelastung durch Autoreifen: WDR-Magazin Quarks macht den großen Abriebtest — WDR
- Mehr E-Autos? Wir brauchen insgesamt WENIGER Autos! | Der Klugscheißer - heute-show on YouTube Show video Hide video
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