Your cycling fallacy is…
“If we put in cycling infrastructure or pedestrianise a road, shops will get less business”
The response
Cycling infrastructure and traffic-free areas do not restrict access to shops – they can actually make streets with shops on them nicer places to visit, increasing footfall and overall demand.
Many studies – from the Netherlands in the 1970s, to big US cities in the 2010s – have found that installing cycle infrastructure does not have a negative effect on the income of businesses, and in most cases has a positive effect.
It's a popular myth that people who arrive by car spend more. People who get to the shops by cycling may spend less per visit, but they will visit more often, and they will spend more money overall. And being able to access a shop easily without a motor vehicle means that more frequent trips involving smaller ‘baskets’ become more convenient.
The headline message is: well-designed streets that make cycling and walking attractive are good for business. And in any case, cycling infrastructure won't stop people driving to shops, or parking near them and walking a short distance. The goal is not to prevent all driving, but to give people safe, sensible choices.
Indoor cycle parking in a shopping mall in the Netherlands
Photo by A View From The Cycle Path (Copyright, used with permission)
Related fallacies
Further reading
- Cyclists are priceless for cities — Cycling Embassy of Denmark
- Report on shopper travel behaviour in Dublin City Centre (PDF) — Dublin Institute of Technology
- The Complete Business Case for Converting Street Parking Into Bike Lanes — CityLab
- How Groningen invented a cycling template for cities all over the world — The Guardian
- ‘Part of an evolution’: Downtown business partners with cycling group — CBC (Canada)
- Bike lanes aren't just safer for cyclists – they're good for business too — FastCoExist
- How a city in Spain got rid of its cars — Citiscope
- More proof that bike lanes boost business — Tree Hugger
- Proof that bike lanes are great for business — Salon
- Cyclists Spend 40% More In London's Shops Than Motorists — Forbes
- How Bike Lanes Increase Small Business Revenue — Triple Pundit
- Shopping by bike: Best friend of your city centre — European Cyclists’ Federation
- Salt Lake City street removes parking, adds bike lanes and sales go up — People for Bikes
- Protected Bike Lane Statistics Archives — People for Bikes
- It's time to talk about shopping (summary of research) — The Cycling Embassy of Great Britain
- Shop Blocked — Bikeyface
- How to Measure the Economic Effect of Livable Streets — Streetsblog
- Not-Cyclists — Bikeyface
- Seattle Transit Blog: Business on NE 65th dramatically increased after bike lane was installed — Seattle Bike Blog
- Report: Business Leaders Tout Economic Benefits of Protected Bike Lanes — Pitch Engine
- Studie: Radfahrer sind bessere Kunden — Mittelbayerische Zeitung
- Radler sind die besseren Kunden — Radfahren in Stuttgart
- Pyöräilyn merkitys Jyväskylän keskustan kauppakesmuksille — Kaupunkifillari Jyväskylä
- Pyöräilyn merkitys Jyväskylän keskustan kauppakeskuksille - osa 2 — Kaupunkifillari Jyväskylä
- ОККУПАЙ Жукова: чи готові одесити стати пішоходами? —
- Клієнт приїжджає велодоріжкою. Кілька фактів про бізнес і велосипедистів — Українська правда
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