他の言語の資料へのリンクを表示 他の言語の資料へのリンクを隠すEnglish
- Non-exhaust PM emissions from electric vehicles — Solid Fuel Technology Institute
- Measurement of non-exhaust particulate matter (PDF) — European Union
- Leading scientists set out resource challenge of meeting net zero emissions in the UK by 2050 — Natural History Museum
- Are Electric Cars Really Green? (YouTube) 動画を表示 動画を隠す
- Electric cars won't save our cities — The Guardian
- Pollution warning over car tyre and brake dust — BBC
- Electric car batteries damaging to environment: Amnesty International — EuroNews
- Are electric cars going to make it harder to fix our cities? — Tree Hugger
- Swapping cars for bikes, not diesel for electric, is the best route to clean air — The Guardian
- The polluting effect of wear and tear in brakes and tyres — The Guardian
- More on why bikes are better than electric cars for our cities and suburbs — Tree Hugger
- Business as usual by driving a "Green car" vs. actually using a genuinely clean and green mode of transport — A View From The Cycle Path
- “Toxic particles are coming off every vehicle – including environmentally friendly ones” — Twitter
- Umweltbelastung durch Autoreifen: WDR-Magazin Quarks macht den großen Abriebtest — WDR
- Mehr E-Autos? Wir brauchen insgesamt WENIGER Autos! | Der Klugscheißer - heute-show (YouTube) 動画を表示 動画を隠す